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Safiullah .
Muhammad Salman Haider Qureshi
Saima Ali
Imtiaz Khan


Scabies is commonly characterized by the presence of itchy rash but this typ-ical symptom does not necessarily always mean scabies. A female infant pre -sented to the paediatrics department of Kuwait teaching hospital with a char -acteristic pruritic rash on soles suggestive of scabies. However, failure of the
anti-scabies treatment, absence of positive personal and hygienic history and
progression towards the deterioration of existing situation lead to the estab-lishment of a history and clinical based diagnosis of Infantile Acropustulosis.
The treatment was started accordingly and soon after starting treatment, the
patient showed the signs of recovery. No doubt that scabies is comparatively
more common as compared to infantile acropustulosis but yet scabies must
not be considered as an absolute diagnosis for a patient presenting with an
itchy rash particularly on soles.

Article Details

How to Cite
. S, Qureshi MSH, Ali S, Khan I. IF IT’S ITCHY, ITS SCABIES. NOT ALWAYS. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];29(3). Available from: https://jpmi.org.pk/index.php/jpmi/article/view/1787
Case Report
Author Biography

Muhammad Salman Haider Qureshi

Currently Serving:

ï‚· Regional Chairperson of Asian Medical Students' Association (Pakistan Chapter).

ï‚· President of Students Literary Society, Peshawar Medical College

ï‚· Secretary General of Society for Undergraduate Medical Research (SUMR)

ï‚· Regional Coordinator of Pakistan Medical Students Research Society (PMSRS)

ï‚· Secretary of Publication and Promotion, Asian Medical Students' Association (Pakistan Chapter)

ï‚· Chief Editor of UMR TIMES --- Campus News & Views.

ï‚· Data Investigator of National Academy of Young Scientists (NAYS) Survey Team.



ï‚· President, 8th Undergraduate Medical Research Conference - 2015

ï‚· Secretary of Publication and Promotion, Asian Medical Students' Association (Pakistan Chapter)

ï‚· Chief Editor of UMR TIMES --- Campus News & Views.

ï‚· Data Investigator of National Academy of Young Scientists (NAYS) Survey Team.

ï‚· General Secretary of School Literary Society and was selected as the President of the same society.

ï‚· Was selected as the Student English Editor of College Annual magazine The Edwardian.

ï‚· Class Coordinator of Social Welfare Society (session 2010-11).

ï‚· Joint Secretary of Social Welfare Society (session 2011-13)

ï‚· General Secretary of Students Literary Society (SLS)

ï‚· Editor of Urdu Editorial Board of Hayyan-2011.

ï‚· Editor of Research Abstract Book, 7th UMR Conference.

ï‚· Featured Correspondent of UMBILIKAL

ï‚· Incharge of Journalism committee of Undergraduate Medical Research Fair -2012.

ï‚· Secretary of Online Collaborations, Society for Undergraduate Medical Research (SUMR)

ï‚· Coordinator of IADSR International Conference – 2012.

ï‚· Incharge Coordinator of Seerah Conference – 2012 held at Peshawar Medical College.

ï‚· Chief Organizer of Iqbal's Day Celebration Week – 2013 held at Peshawar Medical College.

ï‚· Chairperson of Press & Media Committee, 6th National Undergraduate Medical Research Conference.

ï‚· Ambassador of International Conference on Endorsing Health Science Research – 2013.

ï‚· Chairman of Press & Media in 6th Undergraduate Medical Research Conference – 2013.

ï‚· UN Volunteer for Young People We Care (YPWC) Organization.

ï‚· Regional Chairperson of 5th International Student Medical Congress in Kosice (ISMCK13).

ï‚· Ambassador of 4th AIMS Meeting held at University of Lisbon from 15th to 17th March, 2013.

ï‚· Chief Organizer of World TB Day Symposium held at PGMI Auditorium, Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar.

ï‚· Chief Organizer of Seerah Conference – 2013 held at Peshawar Medical College.

ï‚· Ambassador of World Cancer Day Symposium - 2014 organized by Young Researchers of Bio Sciences.

ï‚· General Secretary of 7th National Undergraduate Medical Research Conference - 2014.

ï‚· Ambassador of 5th AIMS Meeting – 2014 to be held at University of Lisbon, Portugal.