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Khalid Shahab
Muhammad Tariq Mehr
Mumtaz Ali Marwat
. Amanullah


Objective: To estimate the mean platelet volume (MPV) in the patients with
diabetes who present to hospital with various cerebrovascular diseases.
Methodology: It was a cross sectional descriptive study conducted in the
Department of Medicine, Hayatabad Medical Complex (HMC), Peshawar from
1st June, 2014 till 30th Mar, 2015. A total of 137 adult patients between 25 to
75 years of age of either gender with Type 2 DM and stroke attending hospital
were included. All patients with prior chronic kidney disease, chronic liver disease
or with previous cerebrovascular events were excluded from the study.
Under strict aseptic conditions, 10cc blood was obtained and sent immediately
to hospital laboratory for measurement of MPV.
Results: Among the 137 patients, 85 (62.04%) were females and 52(37.96%)
were males. The average age of the patients was 53.01±11.97 years with
range of 30-73 years. Average duration of DM in the patients was 5.15±2.87
years with range of 1-12 years. There were 65(47.45%) patients of the less
than or equal to 4 years DM duration. Forty two (30.66%) patients were in the
range of 5-7 years, 24 (17.52%) were in the 8-10 years range while 6(4.38%)
presented with cerebrovascular accidents at more than 10 years of type 2 DM.
There were 84 (61.3%) and 53(38.7%) patients having MPV greater than and
less than 9.01 fl respectively (average MPV was 9.42±0.92).
Conclusion: Increased MPV was found in a significant number of patients and
was more in the males and patients with age greater than 50 years.

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How to Cite
Shahab K, Mehr MT, Marwat MA, Amanullah . QUANTIFICATION OF MEAN PLATELET VOLUME IN DIABETIC PATIENTS PRESENTING WITH CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2016 Jul. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];30(3). Available from: https://jpmi.org.pk/index.php/jpmi/article/view/1797
Original Article
Author Biography

Khalid Shahab, Hayatabad medical Complex, Peshawar

Registrar Medical B Ward Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar Pakistan