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Nadeem Ali Shah
Ainul Hadi
Mussarat Hussain
Mohammad Kalim
Tahira Mehreen
Inayat Shah
Juweria Abid


Objectives: To compare the outcome of enteric stoma closure within two, four
and eight weeks of its formation.
Methodology: A total of 283 patients with loop enteric stomas were considered
for the study in the Department of Surgery, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar,
from March 2000 to March 2005. They were divided into group A, B
(intervention groups) and C (control group) in which stoma were closed at 2, 4
and 8 weeks of its formation respectively. Resection of stoma with end to end
anastomosis of the gut was done in a single layer interrupted extra mucosal
technique using 3/0 PDS. Results in term of successful healing or complication
were recorded and analyzed. Follow up was arranged at 30th and 90th day of
discharge from hospital.
Results: Healing of stoma was achieved in 84.38% of patients in group A,
93.18% in group B and 95.16% in group C. Commonest complication was anastomotic
leak that responded to conservative management in 3.13% of patients
in Group A, 6.81% in group B and 2.42% in group C. Anastomotic leak needing
re-exteriorization was found in 6.25% of patients in group A, none in group B
and 1.45% in group C. There was no mortality in any of the three groups.
Conclusion: Early stoma closure, preferably during the same admission is a
safe, cost effective and an attractive technique.

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How to Cite
Shah NA, Hadi A, Hussain M, Kalim M, Mehreen T, Shah I, Abid J. EXPERIENCE WITH EARLY VERSUS ROUTINE ENTERIC STOMA CLOSURES: A COMPARATIVE STUDY. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2016 Nov. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];30(4). Available from: https://jpmi.org.pk/index.php/jpmi/article/view/1952
Original Article
Author Biography

Nadeem Ali Shah, lady reading hospital


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