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Tahira Sajid
Shahid Ali Shah
Rehman Ghani
Farida Khan
Asif Kareem


Objective: To find out the frequency, types and sites of impaction of foreign body ingestion and different

management options to remove impacted foreign bodies.

Material and Methods: This descriptive study was carried out in Ayub Teaching Hospital in 2001.

Patients with foreign body impaction with the exception of those having esophageal pathology were

included. All patients were thoroughly examined and investigated. Almost all patients underwent

endoscopy. Relevant data was recorded.

Results: Fifty cases were studied. Male to female ratio was 3:1. Mean age was 16.76 ± 19.95 years. 66%

of patients were below 10 years. Coin was found in 48% of cases, bones in18% and meat bolus in 8%.

Mean age of coin ingestion group was lower than bone ingestion group (p=0.003). 70% of impactions were

postcricoid which included all the coins. Significant association was noted between type of foreign body

and site of impaction (p<0.001). Radiological investigations were positive in 69.39% cases. Significant

association was found between type of foreign body and radiological findings (p=0.001). Minor trauma

was seen in 8% cases and 92% procedures were without complications. There was significant association

between type of foreign body and iatrogenic complication (p=0.031).

Conclusion: Coin ingestion by children was the most common presentation. X-Rays are not always

reliable and diagnostic endoscopy has very important role in dealing with foreign bodies. Removal of

foreign bodies posed only minor hazards to patients.

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How to Cite
Sajid T, Shah SA, Ghani R, Khan F, Kareem A. PHARYNGOESOPHAGEAL FOREIGN BODIES. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Aug. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];20(3). Available from:
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