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Jehan Zeb
Valeed K
Ayesha Waseeq
Kashan Abidi


Objective: To review all the thyroid test results of the hospitalized and ambulatory sick patients whom blood sample were sent for thyroid function tests to pathology lab and to evaluate non interpretable thyroid test results reported at Pathology department LRH during a period of one year.

Material and Methods: This is a retrospective study of thyroid test results performed at pathology department PGMI/LRH Peshawar from April 2007 to April 2008. More than 2000 blood samples were received during the period mentioned for thyroid function tests. All the tests were performed on the instrument immulite using chemiluminecent assays. Thyroid test panel was included TT4, TT3 and TSH. Estimation of thyrotrophin was performed by using 3rd generation assay. Results of the neonates and children have not been included because of incomplete requisition forms lacking relevant clinical details specially age of the patient.

Results: A total of 1457 adults patients test results were searched for thyroid dysfunction. Out of the total 1066 were female and 391 male. Test results were interpreted according to NACB guidelines. Distorted hormone status was observed in 117 individuals which is 8 % of the total thyroid function test reports.

Conclusion: This fact should be realized that some thyroid tests are inherently non interpretable in severely sick patients and those who are receiving various medication. Therefore the assessment of thyroid function in ill patients are best to be postponed until the illness has resolved except when a diagnosis should affect patient outcome.

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How to Cite
Zeb J, K V, Waseeq A, Abidi K. DISTORTED THYROID HORMONE STATUS IN HOSPITALIZED AND AMBULATORY SICK PATIENTS. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Aug. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];23(4). Available from: https://jpmi.org.pk/index.php/jpmi/article/view/272
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