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Zeeshan Khan
Badar Uddin Sahito
Muhammad Arif Khan


Objective: To evaluate the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on surgical management of musculoskeletal oncology patients.

Methodology: A total of 76 patients were identified and included in this observational study for which data was collected from the databases of Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar & Dr. Ruth KM Pfau Civil Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan from March till August 2020. Patients having malignant bone and soft tissue tumours and locally aggres­sive benign tumours were included in this study. All the patients underwent PCR investigation for SARS-CoV-19 virus pre-operatively and surgeries were performed in PCR negative and asymptomatic PCR positive patients only, with protective equipment.

Results: In sample, 8 patients tested positive for Covid-19, out of which 2 were asymptomatic and hence surgery was performed. The remaining 6 were sent for home isolation, of which 2 did not return for surgery. Five patients had ablative surgery due to disruption in medical services whereas the initial plan was for limb salvage surgery. Eight patients developed complications while 2 patients passed away in the post-operative period. None of the patients had any Covid 19 related morbidity or mortality.

Conclusion: The study concluded that only a minute number of patients were suffered due to Covid-19 results. Disruption in services due to Covid-19 outbreak has impacted the efficient delivery of health care in various spe­cialties including serious pathologies like musculoskeletal tumours.

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How to Cite
Khan Z, Badar Uddin Sahito, Muhammad Arif Khan. IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 OUTBREAK ON SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF MUSCULOSKELETAL ONCOLOGY PATIENTS: A MULTI-CENTER PROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];35(3):162-8. Available from:
Original Article


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