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Sameera Shafiq
Sidra Batool


Objective: To explore the mediating role of self-regulation in bullying, victimization as related with rejection sen­sitivity among adolescents.

Methodology: This cross-sectional research was conducted at the Department of Psychology, University of Gujrat after taking approval from Advanced Studies and Research Board. In first phase, Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ) and Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire (RSQ) were translated into Urdu language by forward-backward translation method after taking permission from their respective authors. For pilot-testing, these scales were ad­ministered on 130 students and scales were found to be reliable with a=0.83 and a=0.85 respectively. In second phase, Urdu version of Adolescent Peer Relations Instrument (ARRI) by Parada, SRQ, and RSQ were administered to a sample of 608 college students. Stratified Random Sampling technique was use to collect the data. The data was analyzed in AMOS-21.

Results: The study reported male as 330, and female as 278, age range between 16 to 19 years with mean of 17.60±0.83 years. The model fit indices of chi-square/df =2.2 (p<0.001), Goodness of fit (GFI)=0.94, Adjusted goodness of fit (AGFI)=0.91, Comparative fit index (CFI)=0.904, Incremental fit index (IFI)=0.906, Tucker Lewis index (TLI)= 0.88 and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA)=0.046 were in the acceptable limits. Structure Equation Model in AMOS-21 showed significant mediating role of self-regulation with bullying, victimi­zation and rejection sensitivity among adolescents.

Conclusion: Self-regulation has fully and significantly mediated the association of both bullying and victimization with the level of sensitivity for rejection in adolescents.

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How to Cite
Sameera Shafiq, Sidra Batool. BULLYING, VICTIMIZATION, AND REJECTION SENSITIVITY IN ADOLESCENTS: MEDIATING ROLE OF SELF-REGULATION. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];35(4):242-6. Available from: https://jpmi.org.pk/index.php/jpmi/article/view/2902
Original Article


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