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Afeera Khan
Asma Zulfqar
Beenish Qureshi


Objective: To assess the correlation between oral hygiene knowledge and practice among undergraduate dental students.

Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted among undergraduate dental students at the dental section of Islamabad medical and dental college over three months. Data for this study was collected using a pre-piloted questionnaire. The collected data were encoded, entered, and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Statistics version 21.0. Spearman test was used to find the correlation of qualitative variables. P-value 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: A total of 188 undergraduate dental students were contacted to participate in the study. Out of these, 176 (93.6%) returned completely filled questionnaires. The results were calculated using the Spearman test which showed that the correlation in "oral hygiene knowledge and practice among students was insignificant (r=0.096, p= 0.207).

Conclusion: In our study dental students showed a lack of oral self-hygiene practice during their undergraduate period. It is recommended that in addition to spreading awareness regarding oral hygiene; the practice of oral hygiene should also be stressed.

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How to Cite
Afeera Khan, Zulfqar A, Qureshi B. CORRELATION OF ORAL HYGIENE KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE AMONG UNDERGRADUATE DENTAL STUDENTS. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];36(3):158-61. Available from:
Original Article
Author Biographies

Afeera Khan, Department of Prosthodontics, Islamabad Dental Hospital, Bharakahu, Punjab - Pakistan

Post Graduate Trainee , Prosthodontics

Asma Zulfqar, Department of Prosthodontics, Islamabad Dental Hospital, Bharakahu, Punjab - Pakistan & Department of Operative Dentistry, Hazrat Bari Imam Sarkar Medical & Dental College, Islamabad - Pakistan


Beenish Qureshi, Department of Prosthodontics, Islamabad Dental Hospital, Bharakahu, Punjab - Pakistan & Department of Operative Dentistry, Heavy Industries Taxila Education City Institute of Medical Science, Rawalpindi - Pakistan

Professor, Operative Department


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