The Problem in Existing Evolution System of Clinical Subjects in Medical Colleges and Recommendations for Their Rectification

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Qazi Khadim Mohyuddin


The existing evolution system in the medical colleges with special reference to examination in surgery has been analyzed in this paper. The present written, oral and clinical examinations and their following related problems have been discussed in detail:- potential for abuse, absence of standardization and representative-ness, scores reproductivity, marks scale, validity, usefulness and cost of the examinations. In the end, recommendations have been made to improve the existing written and clinical certifying examinations so as to include the "Objective Structure Clinical Examination" (OSCE). The evaluation should be in the form of continuing, mid-term and final certifying examinations. Thus towards the end of three years, the student should have acquired a some what uniform knowledge and skills; the examination should also provide a feed-back for modifying the learning programme and introducing necessary changes in the curriculum.

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How to Cite
Mohyuddin QK. The Problem in Existing Evolution System of Clinical Subjects in Medical Colleges and Recommendations for Their Rectification. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Aug. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2(1). Available from:
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