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Mehvish Amjad
Rabia Jameel
Tayyaba Liaqat


Objective: This study aimed to explore women’s perception about their excessive body hair growth.

Methodology: After getting permission from Ethical Review Committee (ERC) this study was conducted at different hospitals and clinics of Lahore from July 2019 to June 2020 by employing exploratory qualitative method. Using purposive sampling, eight unmarried women with age range of 18-30 years were interviewed through semi-structured interview schedule. Interviews were analysed using an Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis that involved a comprehensive review of the women's lived experiences and generated themes.

Results: The finding revealed that the overall attitude of women is disappointed and they spend their life with a personality that is not acceptable for them or unwanted. They were suffering from emotional instability in their lives to please interpersonal relationships with others. Some women reported that physical problems (i.e., hormonal imbalance) have impaired their life internally and externally that caused hirsutism. Further, social interaction of women was found limited.

Conclusion: Hirsutism intensely influences women’s experiences of their bodies in a negative way, and deeply affects their idea about themselves, self-esteem, social interaction, sleep and daily life activities.

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How to Cite
Mehvish Amjad, Jameel R, Tayyaba Liaqat. LIVED EXPERIENCES OF WOMEN WITH HIRSUTISM: A PHENOMENOLOGICAL INQUIRY. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];37(3):213-20. Available from:
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