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Anwar Ul Haq
Urooj Khushbakht
Naheed Siddiqui



To ascertain whether head circumference can be utilized to estimate stature in students from the medical college in Peshawar.


In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between height and head circumference in a cohort of first-year students from a public medical college. The sample comprised 140 participants, evenly split between 70 males and 70 females, with ages ranging from 18 to 20 years. For height measurement a stadiometer was used, and a measuring tape was used to gauge head circumference. Regression equation was used to analyze the data for estimating height from circumference of head.


In this study, the average height of males was determined to be 174.860 cm with a standard deviation of 5.745 cm, while the average head circumference was 54.926 cm with a standard deviation of 1.590 cm. Conversely, females exhibited an average height of 160.842 cm with a standard deviation of 5.540 cm, and an average head circumference of 53.245 cm with a standard deviation of 1.286 cm.


In conclusion, our study underscores the significance of head circumference as a reliable indicator for assessing stature in both males and females. The observed significant relationship between head circumference and height in both sexes suggests that head circumference can serve as a robust parameter for estimating height. These findings contribute to the field of anthropometry, providing practical implications for height estimation based on head circumference, and may have relevance in diverse contexts, such as clinical assessments or population

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How to Cite
Shahabuddin, Haq AU, Khushbakht U, Naheed Siddiqui. ESTIMATION OF HEIGHT USING HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE OF MEDICAL STUDENTS IN PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 17 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];38(1):64-9. Available from:
Original Article


Tania IJ, Zaman F, Morium U, Akter M, Rashid S. Anthropometric study of facial height among tribal (Garo) and non-tribal Bangladeshi female of Greater Mymensingh District in Bangladesh. J Curr Adv Med Res. 2020;7(1):36-9.

Monesh Babu J, Yuvaraj Babu K. Estimation of Stature Using Intermastoid Distance. J Med Dent Sci Res.2020;8(7):327-9.

Singh B, Krishan K, Kaur K, Kanchan T. Estimation of body weight from the base of gait and the area swept in one stride—forensic implications. Egypt J Forensic Sci. 2018;8(1):1-7. DOI: 10.1186/s41935-018-0082-6.

Hansi B, Ashish B. An Estimation of Correlation between the Head length and the Stature of the Children aged between 6-10 Years. J Forensic Sci. 2013;1(2):1-5.

Panjakash S, Londhe S, Mirzanaik AD. Stature estimation from forearm lengths in North Karnataka population; India. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol. 2019;6(1):32-7. DOI: 10.18231/2394-2126.2019.0008.

Hinduja S, Tamgadge S, Tamgadge A. Odontometry and skull anthropometry: A possible tool for stature estimation using minimum armamentarium. J Forensic Odontol. 2018;3(1):6. DOI: 10.4103/ijfo.ijfo_19_17.

Hoover-Fong JE, Schulze KJ, Alade AY, et al. Growth in achondroplasia including stature, weight, weight-for-height and head circumference from CLARITY: achondroplasia natural history study—a multi-center retrospective cohort study of achondroplasia in the US. Orphanet journal of rare diseases. 2021;16(1):1-19. DOI: 10.1186/s13023-021-02141-4.

Shaikh MMM, Garg SM, Shah KA. Estimation of stature from craniofacial measurements. Int J Med Toxicol Leg Med. 2019;22(3and4):118-22. DOI: 10.5958/0974-4614.2019.00071.8.

Gul H, Nizami SM, Khan MA. Estimation of body stature using the percutaneous length of ulna of an individual. Cureus. 2020;12(1). DOI: 10.7759/cureus.6599.

Prenetha R, Babu KY. Stature estimation using head circumference. J Adv Pharm Technol Res. 2022;13(5):140-3.

Ritesh S, D Kanani S, Jitendra P, Ashok N, Bharat P. Estimation of stature from head circumference in Gujarati adolescent population. Natl J Clin Anat. 2017 2017;6(2):146-51. DOI: 10.4103/2277-4025.295933.

Chahal P, Sharma A, Singh M. Estimation of Stature from Head Length in Adults in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. J Indian Acad Forensic Med. 2023;45(2):167-70. DOI: 10.48165/jiafm.2023.45.2.16.

Patil KR, Mody RN. Determination of sex by discriminant function analysis and stature by regression analysis: a lateral cephalometric study. Forensic Sci Int. 2005;147(2-3):175-80.

Krishan K. Estimation of stature from cephalo-facial anthropometry in north Indian population. Forensic Science International 2008; 181: 52.e1–6. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2008.08.001.

Eboh DE, Ohaju-Obodo JO. Height estimation from head dimensions in South-South Nigeria. Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2019;9:1-8. DOI: 10.1186/s41935-019-0159-x.

Wankhede KP, Anjankar VP, Parchand MP, Kamdi NY, Patil ST. Estimation Of Stature from Head Length and Head Breadth-A Cross Sectional Study. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;08(03):2052-5. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2015.125.

Akhter Z, Begum JA, Banu LA, Alam MM, Hossain S, Amin NF Stature Estimation Using Head Measurements in Bangladeshi Garo Adult Females. Bangladesh J Anat. 2009;7(2):101-4.

Agnihotri AK, Kachhwaha S, Googoolye K, Allock A. Estimation of stature from cephalo-facial dimensions by regression analysis in Indo-Mauritian population. J Forensic Leg Med. 2011;18:167–72. DOI: 10.1016/j.jflm.2011.02.006.

Siddiqui MA, Shah MA. Estimation of stature from long bones of Punjabis. Indian J Med Res. 1944;32:104–8.

Asadujjaman M, Hossain M, Rana M, Islam M. Stature estimation from handprint measurements: an application to the medicolegal investigation. Egypt J Forensic Sci. 2021;11(1):1-13. DOI: 10.1186/s41935-020-00215-1.

Zaghloul NM, Khater SAM, Badawy WA. Sex And Stature Determination From Maxillo-Facial Anthropometry In Adult Egyptian Population Sample. Egypt J Forensic Appl Toxicol. 2019;19(2):13-28. DOI: 10.21608/EJFSAT.2019.10178.1053.

Shetty B, Deepak M, Monteiro FN, Castelino KP, Xavier AP. Estimation of stature from dimensions of hands and feet in a South Indian Population. IP Int J Forensic Med Toxicol sci. 2020;5(1):14-9. DOI: 10.18231/j.ijfmts.2020.004.

Ahmed AA. Estimation of stature from lower limb anthropometry: new formulae derived from contemporary Arabian males. Aust J Forensic Sci. 2022;54(5):636-50. DOI: 10.1080/00450618.2020.1846785

Aidy S, Fawzy W, Abouhashem AA, Fouad Omran BH. Stature And Sex Estimation From Handprint Measurements In Population Of Sharkia Governorate. Zagazig J Forensic Med. 2020;18(2):8-23. DOI: 10.21608/ZJFM.2020.17050.1046.

Hiwarkar M, Prasad A, Taywade O. Estimation of Stature from Cephalo-Facial Dimensions: A Cross Sectional Study in Central India. Indian J Anat. 2019;8(2):91. DOI: 10.21088/ija.2320.0022.8219.2

Dongre SS, Deokar RB, Patil SS. Correlation of the Stature to Forearm Length in the Young Adults of Western Indian Population. Med Legal Update. 2021;21(1):1062-9. DOI: 10.37506/mlu.v21i1.2457.

Tania IJ, Zaman F, Morium U, Akter M, Rashid S. Anthropometric study of facial height among tribal (Garo) and non-tribal Bangladeshi female of Greater Mymensingh District in Bangladesh. J Curr Adv Med Res. 2020;7(1):36-9.

Monesh Babu J, Yuvaraj Babu K. Estimation of Stature Using Intermastoid Distance. J Med Dent Sci Res.2020;8(7):327-9.

Singh B, Krishan K, Kaur K, Kanchan T. Estimation of body weight from the base of gait and the area swept in one stride—forensic implications. Egypt J Forensic Sci. 2018;8(1):1-7. DOI: 10.1186/s41935-018-0082-6.

Hansi B, Ashish B. An Estimation of Correlation between the Head length and the Stature of the Children aged between 6-10 Years. J Forensic Sci. 2013;1(2):1-5.

Panjakash S, Londhe S, Mirzanaik AD. Stature estimation from forearm lengths in North Karnataka population; India. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol. 2019;6(1):32-7. DOI: 10.18231/2394-2126.2019.0008.

Hinduja S, Tamgadge S, Tamgadge A. Odontometry and skull anthropometry: A possible tool for stature estimation using minimum armamentarium. J Forensic Odontol. 2018;3(1):6. DOI: 10.4103/ijfo.ijfo_19_17.

Hoover-Fong JE, Schulze KJ, Alade AY, et al. Growth in achondroplasia including stature, weight, weight-for-height and head circumference from CLARITY: achondroplasia natural history study—a multi-center retrospective cohort study of achondroplasia in the US. Orphanet journal of rare diseases. 2021;16(1):1-19. DOI: 10.1186/s13023-021-02141-4.

Shaikh MMM, Garg SM, Shah KA. Estimation of stature from craniofacial measurements. Int J Med Toxicol Leg Med. 2019;22(3and4):118-22. DOI: 10.5958/0974-4614.2019.00071.8.

Gul H, Nizami SM, Khan MA. Estimation of body stature using the percutaneous length of ulna of an individual. Cureus. 2020;12(1). DOI: 10.7759/cureus.6599.

Prenetha R, Babu KY. Stature estimation using head circumference. J Adv Pharm Technol Res. 2022;13(5):140-3.

Ritesh S, D Kanani S, Jitendra P, Ashok N, Bharat P. Estimation of stature from head circumference in Gujarati adolescent population. Natl J Clin Anat. 2017 2017;6(2):146-51. DOI: 10.4103/2277-4025.295933.

Chahal P, Sharma A, Singh M. Estimation of Stature from Head Length in Adults in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. J Indian Acad Forensic Med. 2023;45(2):167-70. DOI: 10.48165/jiafm.2023.45.2.16.

Patil KR, Mody RN. Determination of sex by discriminant function analysis and stature by regression analysis: a lateral cephalometric study. Forensic Sci Int. 2005;147(2-3):175-80.

Krishan K. Estimation of stature from cephalo-facial anthropometry in north Indian population. Forensic Science International 2008; 181: 52.e1–6. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2008.08.001.

Eboh DE, Ohaju-Obodo JO. Height estimation from head dimensions in South-South Nigeria. Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2019;9:1-8. DOI: 10.1186/s41935-019-0159-x.

Wankhede KP, Anjankar VP, Parchand MP, Kamdi NY, Patil ST. Estimation Of Stature from Head Length and Head Breadth-A Cross Sectional Study. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;08(03):2052-5. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2015.125.

Akhter Z, Begum JA, Banu LA, Alam MM, Hossain S, Amin NF Stature Estimation Using Head Measurements in Bangladeshi Garo Adult Females. Bangladesh J Anat. 2009;7(2):101-4.

Agnihotri AK, Kachhwaha S, Googoolye K, Allock A. Estimation of stature from cephalo-facial dimensions by regression analysis in Indo-Mauritian population. J Forensic Leg Med. 2011;18:167–72. DOI: 10.1016/j.jflm.2011.02.006.

Siddiqui MA, Shah MA. Estimation of stature from long bones of Punjabis. Indian J Med Res. 1944;32:104–8.

Asadujjaman M, Hossain M, Rana M, Islam M. Stature estimation from handprint measurements: an application to the medicolegal investigation. Egypt J Forensic Sci. 2021;11(1):1-13. DOI: 10.1186/s41935-020-00215-1.

Zaghloul NM, Khater SAM, Badawy WA. Sex And Stature Determination From Maxillo-Facial Anthropometry In Adult Egyptian Population Sample. Egypt J Forensic Appl Toxicol. 2019;19(2):13-28. DOI: 10.21608/EJFSAT.2019.10178.1053.

Shetty B, Deepak M, Monteiro FN, Castelino KP, Xavier AP. Estimation of stature from dimensions of hands and feet in a South Indian Population. IP Int J Forensic Med Toxicol sci. 2020;5(1):14-9. DOI: 10.18231/j.ijfmts.2020.004.

Ahmed AA. Estimation of stature from lower limb anthropometry: new formulae derived from contemporary Arabian males. Aust J Forensic Sci. 2022;54(5):636-50. DOI: 10.1080/00450618.2020.1846785

Aidy S, Fawzy W, Abouhashem AA, Fouad Omran BH. Stature And Sex Estimation From Handprint Measurements In Population Of Sharkia Governorate. Zagazig J Forensic Med. 2020;18(2):8-23. DOI: 10.21608/ZJFM.2020.17050.1046.

Hiwarkar M, Prasad A, Taywade O. Estimation of Stature from Cephalo-Facial Dimensions: A Cross Sectional Study in Central India. Indian J Anat. 2019;8(2):91. DOI: 10.21088/ija.2320.0022.8219.2

Dongre SS, Deokar RB, Patil SS. Correlation of the Stature to Forearm Length in the Young Adults of Western Indian Population. Med Legal Update. 2021;21(1):1062-9. DOI: 10.37506/mlu.v21i1.2457.

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