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Amjid Ali
Muhammad Haseeb Moin Ud Din Baloch
Sayed Shah Hassanain
Muhammad Izaz
Muhammad Aftab Ahmad


Objective: To compare the frequency of postoperative arrhythmias with amiodarone versus magnesium sulphate in patients undergoing open heart surgery

Methodology: This randomized Controlled trial was done at Department of Anethesia Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. Eighty patients of age 40-70 years, either gender undergoing open heart surgery under general anes­thesia were enrolled via Non-probability, consecutive sampling technique. Then they were divided in two groups by using lottery method. In group A, patients were given loading dose of amiodarone 5mg/Kg and in group B, patients were given 2g of MgSO4 in 100ml of isotonic 0.9% solution intravenously. After surgery, patients were followed-up there for 3 days. Patients were monitored through ECG monitor for postoperative arrhythmias.

Results: The mean age of patients was 49.93±7.38 years in amiodarone group while 51.45±7.31yeas in MgSO4 group. There were 26 (65%) males and 14 (35%) females in group A while 15 males (37.5%) and 25 females (62.5%) in group B. Postoperative arrhythmias were observed in 10 (25%) cases with amiodarone while in 16 (40%) cases with MgSO4, although the difference was insignificant (p>0.05).

Conclusion: The frequency of postoperative arrhythmias is reduced with using amiodarone than MgSO4.

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How to Cite
Amjid Ali, Muhammad Haseeb Moin Ud Din Baloch, Sayed Shah Hassanain, Muhammad Izaz, Muhammad Aftab Ahmad. COMPARISON OF AMIODARONE VERSUS MAGNESIUM SULPHATE IN PREVENTION OF POST OPERATIVE ARRHYTHMIAS IN OPEN HEART SURGERY: A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL AT LADY READING HOSPITAL PESHAWAR. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];37(4):238-43. Available from:
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