Intestinal Tuberculosis Surgical Aspects

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Muzaffaruddin Sadiq


Intestinal tuberculosis, a form of abdominal tuberculosis, is now very rarely encountered in the western countries. However it is still very common in the developing countries including Pakistan. Intestinal tuberculosis either occurs as a primary form due to the ingestion of milk contaminted by bovine strain of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis or secondary to the pulmonary tuberculosis. The diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis in early stages remains very difficult. it is usually diagnosed after the development of complications like obstruction or perforation. The advent of effective antituberculous chemotherapy has revolutioninsed the treatemnt of tuberculous patients, decreasing the morbidity and mortality. The surgical treatment is usually reserved for complications, or failure of medical therapy. the purpose of this study was to evaluate one hundred patients orf intestinal tuberculosis admitted to surgical units of HSTH, peshawar.

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Sadiq M. Intestinal Tuberculosis Surgical Aspects. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];11(1). Available from:
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