Acute Septic Arthritis and its management

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Muhammad Shabir


To know about the common ogranism causing acute septic arthritis. To discuss the most effective antibiotic and best method of treatemnt of such patients. This study was conducted in the department of Orthoapedic at LRH, Peshawar from 1st March 1996 to 28th February 1997. The study was carried out on 40 patients. The causative organism and management of acute septic arthritis is discussed. Patients were evaluated and culture sensitivity of synovial fluid was done. Antibiotics were administered on the gbasis of aculture sensitivity for 2 - 4 weeks. all the septic joints were drained either through arthrotomy or by aspiration / irrigation. follow up was done for 6 - 12 weeks. From this study we concluded that early diagnosis and proper treatment of setpic arthritis decreases its morbidity. Method of intervention makes little differences if the pre-intervention period is less than five days, except in deep joints. 

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How to Cite
Shabir M. Acute Septic Arthritis and its management. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 28 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];18(2). Available from:
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