Contribution of Preterm Delivery to Perinatal Mortality

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Fauzia Fahim
Mehr un Nisa


To review the perinatal mortality in preterm singleton births based on birth weight and gestational age at delivery. A retrospective review of hospital case notes of labour and perinatal mortality was carried out on all singleton preterm deliveries excluding congenital abnormalities from 28 to 37 weeks between 1st January 2001 - 31st December 2001. there were 3440 singleton deliveries over the study period of which 182 were preterm (5.2%). This study has demonstrated perinatal mortality using gestationala ge and birth weight. The results will be of use in obstetric management when elective preterm delivery is considered and for providing prognostic guidance following preterm delivery.

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How to Cite
Fahim F, Nisa M un. Contribution of Preterm Delivery to Perinatal Mortality. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 8];18(2). Available from:
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