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Abdul Aziz Khan
Mumtaz Ali
Shahid Ayub
Khalid Khanzada
Ramzan Hussain



To find out different histopathological types of posterior fossa tumors in children.

Material and Methods:

This Descriptive study was carried out in Department of Neurosurgery Govt. Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar from June 2003 to May 2008. All patients with posterior fossa tumors under 14 years were included in the study. Patient with brainstem glioma, posterior fossa abscesses and pineal tumors were excluded. A total of 117 patients were included. There were 80 male and 37 female with sex ratio of 2.1:1 with age range from 6 months to 14 years with mean age of 8.9 years and SD + 5.4. Computerized Axial Tomography / Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the brain were done for establishing diagnosis. Different surgical procedures for tumor removal were performed and specimen was sent for histopathological study in all operative cases.


Out of 117 patients Medulloblastoma was seen in 38 (32.7%), Ependymoma in 23 (19.65%) Astrocystoma in 25 (21.36%), Hemangioblastoma in 19 (16.23%) Tuberculoma in 4 (3.41%) Meningioma in 2 (1.7%) and dermoid and epidermoid cyst in 3 cases each (2.56%). Medulloblastoma was seen commonly between 6-10 years in 22 (18.8%) patients. Astrocystoma between 6 -10years in 12(10.25%) patients. Ependymoma is common below 5 years in 17(14.5%) patients. Hemangioblastoma between 6 -10 years in 15 (12.82%) patients, tuberculoma in 3(2.56%) patients in 6 -10 years of age. 


Medulloblastoma and Pilocytic Astrocystoma and Hemangioblastoma are common tumors between 6-10 years of age and Ependymoma is common below 5 years. Tuberculoma is also tumor mimicking condition occurring in posterior fossa.


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How to Cite
Khan AA, Ali M, Ayub S, Khanzada K, Hussain R. HISTOLOGICAL FINDINGS OF POSTERIOR FOSSA TUMORS IN CHILDREN. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Oct. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];24(1). Available from: https://jpmi.org.pk/index.php/jpmi/article/view/998
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