Effect of demographic characteristics on patient's satisfaction with health care facility

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Muhammad Afzal
Farwa Rizvi
Abrar Hussain Azad
Abdul Majid Rajput
Ahmed Khan
Nadia Tariq


Objective: To assess the patients' satisfaction level and effect of demographiccharacteristics on patients' satisfaction with health care facility in a tertiarycare hospital.Methodology: This Descriptive Cross sectional survey was conducted fromJune through October, 2012 in Out Patients Department of Punjab Social SecurityHospital (PESSI), Rawalpindi. Participants were interviewed by trainedinterviewers (students of 4th year MBBS class) using pre tested questionnaires.The patients were interviewed for their satisfaction and experience inthe healthcare facility regarding interaction with doctors, paramedical staff,and facilities in the institution. Demographics like age, gender, educationalstatus, marital status and monthly income were recorded. A five point scaleof Strongly Agree (5), Agree (4), Uncertain (3), Disagree (2), and Strongly Disagree(1) was used. The percentage score was calculated for each patient andpatient satisfaction was measured in terms of mean percent score.Results: In sample of 110 patients, age of patient showed significant (p-value= 0.033) relationship with satisfaction score, with maximum satisfaction level(79.86%) in older age patients of > 55 years. Gender and occupation of patientdid not show significant effect on satisfaction score. The illiterate or lesseducated (p-value = 0.003) and married patients were significantly (p-value= 0.003) more satisfied. Patients with less monthly income were significantly(p-value < 0.001) more satisfied.Conclusion: Older and less educated patients with lower income bracket weremore satisfied with healthcare facility as compared to younger, highly educatedpatients and having higher income levels.

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How to Cite
Afzal M, Rizvi F, Azad AH, Rajput AM, Khan A, Tariq N. Effect of demographic characteristics on patient’s satisfaction with health care facility. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2014 Apr. 17 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];28(2). Available from: https://jpmi.org.pk/index.php/jpmi/article/view/1528
Original Article
Author Biography

Muhammad Afzal, Islamabad Medical and Dental college, Bahrakahu, Islamabad

Department of Community Medicine

Senior Research Officer