Association of body mass index and dietary habits with ovarian and uterine morphology with subfertile polycystic ovarian syndrome

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Ambreen Usmani
Rehana Rehman
Zehra Akhtar


Objective: To correlate ovarian and uterine morphology in subfertile patientshaving polycystic ovarian syndrome with their body mass index (BMI) andeating habitsMethodology: One hundred subjects were included in this cross sectionalstudy having ages between 20-40 years with history of subfertilty for the pasttwo years. BMI (kg/m2) was measured according to WHO protocol. Ovarianvolume, follicle count and size, uterine area, endometrial thickness were measuredsonographically and noted. Dietary habits were recorded by a structuredquestionnaire from all participantsResults: According to BMI two groups of 50 subjects each were formed;group I= 25.6 ± 4.7 kg/m2 and group II= 28.6 ± 5.7 kg/m2. The follicular countwas 14.41± 2.18 and 12.75± 2.80; the follicular size (in mm) was 8.23±0.41and 3.29±0.25 (p-value 0.023 & 0.001). The uterine area (in cm2) and endometrialthickness (in cm) was 86.9±25.7 and 117.2±29 (p-value 0.001 and0.05). The ovarian volume (OV) estimated by trans-abdominal scan (TAS) was10.87±2.49 cm3 and 14.33±3.17 cm3 (p-value=0.022). The trans-vaginal scan(TVS) showed OV; 11.44±2.36 cm3 and 14.79±2.19 cm3 (p-value=0.034). Aweak positive correlation of BMI with OV (TVS) was observed (r=0.05). Theovarian volume in those women who consumed fast food frequently was significantlyraised as compared to those who rarely ate fast food; the differencewas 14.57±3.75 vs. 9.62±2.43 (p value 0.00).Conclusion: With increasing body mass index the ovarian volume, uterinearea and endometrial thickness increases. However the follicular count andfollicular size is reduced with higher BMI.

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How to Cite
Usmani A, Rehman R, Akhtar Z. Association of body mass index and dietary habits with ovarian and uterine morphology with subfertile polycystic ovarian syndrome. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2014 Apr. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];28(2). Available from:
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Author Biography

Ambreen Usmani, Bahria University Medical and Dental College, Karachi

Associate professor-anatomyAssistant director-Medical EducationBahria University Medical and Dental College

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