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Ummara Siddique Umer
Shahjehan Alam
Syed Ghulam Ghaus
Seema Gul
Qurat-ul-ain Arif


Objective: To characterize, diagnose and to differentiate various HRCT mani -festations of lung abnormalities in post chemotherapy patients.
Methodology: This was a retrospective study of 50 patients conducted at Ra -diology department of Rehman Medical Institute, Peshawar. Duration of study
was 6months i.e from April 2013 to September 2013. Patients were investigat-ed using 128-slice Multidetector Computed tomography (MDCT) scanner in
the Radiology department of Rehman Medical Institute Peshawar.0.5mm re -constructed images in lung window and 3mm images in mediastinal window
were viewed on workstation in axial, coronal and sagittal planes. The data was
processed using Microsoft excel 2007.
Results: A total of 50 patients were included. Age of the patients ranged
from 6 to 70 years with a mean age of 35 years. In our study, we found five
radiologic patterns on CT scan; (1)non-specific ground-glass attenuation
17(34%),(2) patchy distribution of ground-glass attenuation accompanied
by interlobular septal thickening 7(14%), (3)multifocal areas of airspace con-solidation 7(14%),(4)extensive bilateral ground-glass attenuation or airspace
consolidations with traction bronchiectasis 4(8%), and (5) nodules of variable
sizes randomly distributed in both lungs 15(30%).
Conclusion: The most common pattern was found to be patchy areas of
ground-glass attenuation. Pulmonary diseases that are induced by chemo-therapy represent particular challenges for radiologists due to non-specific
and atypical imaging features.

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How to Cite
Siddique Umer U, Alam S, Ghaus SG, Gul S, Arif Q- ul- ain. HRCT LUNG FINDINGS IN POST CHEMOTHERAPY PATIENTS - EMERGING CHALLENGE FOR RADIOLOGISTS. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2016 Jan. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];29(4). Available from:
Original Article
Author Biographies

Ummara Siddique Umer

Senior Registrar
Radiology Department
Rehman Medical Institute Peshawar

Shahjehan Alam

Assisstant Professor
Radiology Department
Rehman Medical institute Peshawar

Syed Ghulam Ghaus

Associate Professor

Radiology Department

Rehman Medical Institue Peshawar

Seema Gul

Assisstant Professor
Radiology Department
Rehman Medical institute Peshawar

Qurat-ul-ain Arif

Trainee medical officer

Radiology department

Rehman medical institute


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