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Waqar Alam Jan
Mian Iftikhar Ul Haq
Mian Ayaz ul Haq
Abdus Samad Khan


Objective: To determine the pattern of early complications following modified radical mastectomy with

axillary clearance for established cases of early carcinoma of breast.

Material and Mehods: This descriptive study was carried out in the Breast Clinic, Surgical "A" Ward

Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar, from January 01, 2004 to March 31, 2005. The study included female

patients with the established diagnosis of early carcinoma of breast (stage I, stage II) and undergoing

modified radical mastectomy with axillary clearance. These patients were followed for postoperative

complications up to one month in the Breast Clinic on out patient basis.

Results: During the study period, 154 patients underwent modified radical mastectomy with axillary

clearance as per inclusion criteria. Average age of the patients was 47.32 + 13.53 SD. Early

complications were evaluated. Seroma formation was most common complication that occurred in 59

(38.3%) patients followed by edema of arm observed in 40(26%) patients. Wound infection was noticed in

19(12.3%) patients, paraesthesia due to damage of the intercostobranchial nerve in 15(9.7%) patients,

haemorrhage in 6(3.9%) patients, haematoma in6(3.9%) patients and skin flap necrosis was observed in

6(3.9%) patients. Seratus anterior muscle paralysis and Latissmus dorsi muscle paralysis were found in

3(1.9%) patients.

Conclusion: Seroma formation, wound infection, edema of arm, paresthesia due to intercostobronchial

nerve involvement, haematoma, skin flap necrosis and muscular paralysis of seratus anterior are early

complications of modified radical mastectomy with axillary dissection that may be detected early through

proper postoperative care.

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How to Cite
Jan WA, Haq MIU, Haq MA ul, Khan AS. EARLY COMPLICATIONS OF MODIFIED RADICAL MASTECTOMY WITH AXILLARY CLEARANCE. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Aug. 12 [cited 2024 Oct. 21];20(3). Available from: https://jpmi.org.pk/index.php/jpmi/article/view/218
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