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Adnan Khan
Sadaf Chiragh
Muhammad Irfan
Akhtar Sherin


Objective: To evaluate the frequency and risk factors of seizures and epilepsy after ischemic stroke.

Material and Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted on patients with Ischemic Stroke in the Department of Neurology; Postgraduate Medical Institute, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. These stroke patients were followed up for a total period of 2 years. Initially 210 patients were enlisted in the study. Out of these, 10 patients died or lost to follow up so they were excluded from the final analysis leaving a figure of 200. The main outcome measures were the occurrence of single or recurrent seizures as well as the occurrence of both early (within 2 weeks) and late (after 2 weeks) seizures were recorded. Patients who already had history of seizures, those with intra-cerebral bleed and sub-arachnoid hemorrhage were excluded from the study.

Results: Out of 200 patients (130 males and 70 female), 6 (3%) patients had early seizures while 10 (5%) patients presented for the first time with late onset seizures. So a total of 16 (8%) patients had post stroke seizures. Early seizures were mostly generalized tonic clonic seizures, while late seizures were mostly partial with or without secondary generalization. Epilepsy characterized by recurrent seizures occured in 3 patient's (1.5%).

Conclusion: Stroke patients have overall 8% risk of seizures and 1.5% risk of epilepsy in the first 2 years after an ischemic stroke. Majority of these seizures occurred after 2 weeks of onset of stroke.

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How to Cite
Khan A, Chiragh S, Irfan M, Sherin A. FREQUENCY OF SEIZURES AND EPILEPSY AFTER ISCHAEMIC STROKE. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Aug. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];22(2). Available from:
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