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Ehtesham Khan
Asifullah Khan
Akbar Khalil
Mohsin Khan
Sheema Shakir


Objective: To determine the common locations of traumatic ulceration in denture supporting tissues following implantation of new complete dentures by prosthodontic postgraduate students.

Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted in the department of prosthodontics, Khyber College of Dentistry, Peshawar on 184 patients. Patients with newly placed dentures were examined after 3 to 4 days, on their first follow up visit, for the presence of traumatic ulceration. Pre-defined locations in the edentulous jaw were examined for the presence of traumatic ulcers. Data was entered and analyzed with the help of SPSS version 20.

Results: The mean age was 55.85±2.22 years with male to female ratio of 1:1.9. Patients returning with one or more traumatic ulcers 3 to 4 days following the placement of their complete dentures were 141 (76.6%). More traumatic ulcers were found in tissues beneath mandibular dentures (n=,134 72.82%) compared to tissues beneath maxillary dentures (n=105, 57.06%). The most common sites to develop traumatic ulcers were the retromylohyoid area (n=73, 39.7%), maxillary vestibular sulcus between labial frenum and buccal frenum (n=52, 28.3%), maxillary tuberosity (n=51, 27.7%), mandibular vestibular sulcus at buccal shelf region (n=47, 25.5%) and the lingual sulcus at paralingual region (n=36, 19.6%).

Conclusion: Traumatic ulcers in denture bearing tissues were reported in majority of the patients who received complete dentures. Retromylohyoid area was reported as the most prone area to the ulceration than others.

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How to Cite
Khan E, Khan A, Khalil A, Khan M, Shakir S. COMMON LOCATIONS OF TRAUMATIC ULCERATION IN TISSUES UNDERNEATH NEW CONVENTIONAL COMPLETE DENTURES. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];35(1):19-22. Available from:
Original Article


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