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Israr Ahmad
Asmat Shaheen


Nurses’ contribution to the health care system is remarkable and as health care professionals they are doing more than their capacity within the limited resources as well as lack of facilitation. Their demand has been increased in the last decade due to the gross increase in the population of the world. The advancement in science and tech­nology, high morbidity and mortality along shortage of nurses are affecting the internship process among nursing graduates. Certain challenges such as shortage of nurses, lack of rewards and job satisfaction, high turnover, and compromised competencies can be seen among nursing graduates. However, they still use some coping strategies to overcome these issues. Furthermore, proper internship programs and policies related to these problems may be helpful at the individual or organizational level depending upon the nature of the problem. In addition, a well-or­ganized leadership may play a positive role in this regard.

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Ahmad I, Shaheen A. NURSES’ SHORTAGE AND CHALLENGES DURING INTERNSHIP: AN EMERGING ISSUE. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];35(4):197-201. Available from:
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