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Amir Mohammad
Khawaja Kamran Wajid
Zia Ul Haq


Objective: To determine the factors influencing umbilical cord (UC) unhealthy practices among mothers of new­borns babies

Methodology: A total of 264 infants who were all new born babies presenting to neonatal unit, both genders and Pakistani nationals were included. Mentally retarded parents and infant with severe deformities like syndromes were excluded. The recorded data were age, gender of infants, parent’s education and socioeconomic status, place and mode of delivery, mother’s awareness of UC care, ompahilitis sign and umbilical cord care (healthy and non healthy). Chi square test was run to compare healthy and unhealthy practice among various factors. Binary logistic regression was run using cord care practice as dependent variable and significant factors as independent variables to calculate odds ratios with 95% Confidence Interval (CI).

Results: The mean of the participants were 5.66 ±4.72 days. The females were 107 (40.53%). Unhealthy UC practice was present in 107 (58.15%). Significant association was found of unhealthy UC practice with parent’s education (p<0.001) and socioeconomic level (p<0.001), place of delivery (p<0.001), and mother awareness (p<0.001). Less educated parents, low socioeconomic families, less aware mothers, infants born at home and influence of grandmother had more unhealthy UC practice.

Conclusions: Non-healthy practices of UC are quiet higher in our set up. The significant risk factors for this are delivery at non health care facility, presence of omphalitis sign and awareness of mother.

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How to Cite
Mohammad A, Wajid KK, Haq ZU. FACTORS INFLUENCING UMBILICAL CORD CARE PRACTICES AMONG MOTHERS OF NEWBORN BABIES PRESENTING TO A TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];37(4):297-303. Available from: https://jpmi.org.pk/index.php/jpmi/article/view/3195
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