Retention of Urine in Children

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Fazal Rehman
Hazrat Ullah Khattak


Urinary retention in children has wide variety of causes. In adult patients there are few causes with straight-forward diagnosis and management. Diagnosis in children needs careful history, examination and methodical investigations.

At pediatric surgery unit, P.G.M.I., L.R.H. Peshawar we received 2-3 referrals every week to be in retention of urine. One out of four of these children did not have retention and these mainly consisted of new-borns within the first 24-48 hours.

One hundred and three cases with actual retention presented at Pediatric Surgery Unit in the last year. The main groups of patient had Posterior Urethral valves (21), Stone urethra (32), Diverticulum of bladder (6), Intra-pelvic tumors (8), and Post-traumatic rupture in 12 cases. Mortality was in two cases due to septicaemia: one after diverculum resection and the other after dilatation of urethra done in periphery hospital, which could not be diagnosed. Morbidity was mainly in case where dilatation was done without proper diagnosis and investigations. Successful management of these children needs careful approach to individual patient.

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How to Cite
Rehman F, Khattak HU. Retention of Urine in Children. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Aug. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];6(1). Available from:
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