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Tanveer Shafqat
Nasreen Ruby Faiz
Mussarat Haleemi


Objective: To describe the profile of patients with vesico vaginal fistula (VVF) and success rate of surgery.
Material and Methods: This study was carried out as a Project funded by UNFPA in collaboration with Ministry of Health Pakistan at Regional Fistula Centre at Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar. Patients with VVF were referred from all over the North West Frontier Province. All the patients got free surgical repair of fistula along with travel and food charges. All the patients diagnosed as cases of VVF were included in the study. Those patients who had previous unsuccessful repair were also included. Their demographic profile and repair success was determined.
Results: Thirty eight (38) patients were included in this study. Obstetrical cause was found in 32 (86.84%) cases. The age of patients ranged between 15 -50 years and parity varying from one to nine. The commonest site of fistula was vault and upper one third of vagina (57.89%). Size of fistula varied from 0.3cm to 5cm. Obstructed labor contributed to 17 (44.73%) cases while ruptured uterus ending in subtotal
abdominal hysterectomy (STAH) accounted for 11 (28.94%) cases. Instrumental delivery and Caesarean section contributed to 7.89% and 5.26% cases . Successful surgical repair was done in 68.42% of cases. Transvaginal repair was done in twenty six (68.42%) cases and transabdominal repair was done in 12 (31.57%) cases.
Results: The most common cause of VVF in this study was obstetrical (86.84%) due to obstructed
labour which is preventable.

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How to Cite
Shafqat T, Faiz NR, Haleemi M. PROFILE AND REPAIR SUCCESS OF VESICOVAGINAL FISTULA IN NWFP. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Jul. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];23(1). Available from:
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