Pattern of Gynaecological Malignancies in Tertiary Hospital

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Farhat Nasreen


This stuy was undertaken to look at the pattern of genital tract cancer in North West Part of Pakistan, and to compare it with data from other centers of Pakistan and neighboring countries which will help us to understand the causation of cancer between different ethnic groups. in a prospective review of 50 patients with genital tract cancer, Ca-ovary (48%) was the commonest malignancy. Ca-Cervix was observed in younger age group that is above 35 years with a mean age of 46 years while Ca-ovary (Mean age 48 years) and Ca. Endometrium (mean age 52 years) was above 40 years and 45 years resepctively. The mean age of presentation in Ca. vulva was 60 years and gestational trophoblatics neoplasm (GTN) was 38.7 years. Of Ca. Ovary 54.2% had epithelial cancer while 45.8% had non epithelial cancer. The major contribution was of germ cell (25%) / Stromal Tumour 16.6% which is higher from the generally reported incidence of 3% and 6% respectively. this showed that germ cell/stromal cell tumour are more frequent in NWFP women. Squamous cell carcinoma was 83.4% in Ca. Cx and 100% in ca. Vulve whie adenocarcinoma (85.8%) was more grequent in Ca. Endometrium. 75% (each) of cases were in stage III and IV in Ca. Ovary and stage II and III in Ca. Cx while in Ca. endometrium 42.8% of the cases had stage II lesion. this shows that most of our cases come to us in very advanced stage causing increase morbidity and mortality.

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How to Cite
Nasreen F. Pattern of Gynaecological Malignancies in Tertiary Hospital. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];16(2). Available from:
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