Incidence, Causes and outcome of placenta previa

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Farhat Nasreen


The incidence of placenta previa, assocaited factors, complications, mode of delivery, fetal and maternal outcomes were evaluated in a one year of hospital based study. In a prospective study, 100 cases of pregnancy beyond 28 weeks of gestation, complicated by placenta previa were identified. Teh total number of deliveries were 2828, patients presented with placenta previa were 100. Patients with placenta previa were 100 giving and incidence of 3.5%. Of 3.5% major degree of placenta previa were 2.3% while 1.2% were type 1 and II. The maximum number of patients were 35 years and above. There were 7 times as many multipara having placenta previa as nullipara, repeated myometrial / endometrial damage due to repeated pregnancy being the most common cause. About 60% of patients had at least one or more gynaecol / obstet procedures before the present pregnancy. incidence of Placenta previa was significantly higher in patients with previous C. Section (5.3%) than overall incidence of 3.5%. however, in our study cases were thrice as likely to have had currettage (46%) than previous C. Section (15.9%). Our data suggests that clinical judgement and skills in the performance of C. Section, dialatation and currettage, and other forms of uterine invasive technique may help to keep the subsequent incidence of placenta previa at a reasonably low rate. Routine currettage after all spontaneous abortions may be avoided unless it is needed. 

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How to Cite
Nasreen F. Incidence, Causes and outcome of placenta previa. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 23 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];17(1). Available from:
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