Presentation and Management of Liver Abscess

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Wazir Muhammad
Saleem Iqbal
Noor ul Iman
Khalil ur Rehman
Siddiq ur Rehman


To study the presentation of liver abscess and its management with especial reference to role of ultrasound guided percutaneous aspiration. This study was conducted in all the four medical units of KTH, peshawar from 1st June 2001 to 31st March 2003. The diagnosis was confirmed by ultra sonogram but in selcted cases CT Scan was also performed. A total of 100 cases were included in the study. It can be concluded from the above study that amoetbic liver abscess most commonly affect males, who are usually under 50 years of age, fever being the most common presenting feature followed by pain right hypochondrium. Amoebic liver abscesses usually occur in right lobe of liver, most often present as single lesion. usually it is managged by medicines alone or by percutaneous aspiration under ultrasound guidance. Ultrasound guided percutaneous aspiration in a safe, economical, easy wa of management of liver abscess.

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How to Cite
Muhammad W, Iqbal S, Iman N ul, Rehman K ur, Rehman S ur. Presentation and Management of Liver Abscess. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];18(2). Available from:
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