Endoscopic Removal of the tracheobronchial Foreign Bodies At a peripheral Hospital

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Asmat Ullah
Inayat Ullah
Ghulam Rasool
Mohtashim Billah


To evaluate the use of therapeutic endoscopic procedure for inhaled foreign bodies at a peripheral hsopital. This study was conducted from 28th April 2001 till May 2003 at DHQ Hospital timergara District Dir. Forty eight patients (34 male and 14 female, age range 7 months - 14 years) who underwent endoscpic examination for foreign bodies were included in this study. The endoscopic procedure was performed under general anaesthesia. Early diagnosis and management is essential to prevent morbidity and mortality asscoaited with foreign bodies.

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How to Cite
Ullah A, Ullah I, Rasool G, Billah M. Endoscopic Removal of the tracheobronchial Foreign Bodies At a peripheral Hospital. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Oct. 5 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];18(3). Available from: https://jpmi.org.pk/index.php/jpmi/article/view/913
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