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Naeema Utman
Sumaira Yasmin
Mehnaz Raees


Objective: To determine the prevalence of domestic violence in women seekingabortion.

Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted in outpatient departmentof Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Lady Reading HospitalPeshawar, family planning Centre, Marie Stoop's society Peshawar and aprivate clinic from April 2012 to March 2013. Approval was taken from the ethicalcommittee of the hospital before starting the study. A Proforma made andwomen seeking induced abortion that volunteered to answer the questionswere included in the study. Confidentiality was maintained to avoid potentialretaliation from disclosure.

Results: Domestic violence was reported by 40 (38.9%) women out of 105women seeking induced abortion, who were interviewed consecutively. Majorityof them were in stable relationship being married for more than a year(n=38, 95%). Physical & sexual violence both were reported by 10 (25%) womeneach while all three types of violence i.e., verbal; physical; and sexual, werereported by 16 (40%) women. Domestic violence was reported more in spouseswith lower educational status (n=22, 55%). Violence by intimate partnerwas reported in 23 (57.5%) and by other family members in 7 (17.5%) cases.

Conclusion: More than one third of the women of the sample were faced withthe problem of domestic violence. Level of education was inversely related todomestic violence as it was reported more in spouses with lower educationalstatus.

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How to Cite
Utman N, Yasmin S, Raees M. PREVALENCE OF DOMESTIC VOILENCE AMONG WOMEN SEEKING ABORTION. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2014 Jan. 14 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];28(1). Available from:
Original Article
Author Biography

Sumaira Yasmin

assistant professor obstetrics n gyne

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