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Heera Urooj
Mehtab Shah
Basirat Bukhari
Rehana Rahim



Objective: To compare mean blood loss with Oxytocin plus Tranexamic acid versus Oxytocin alone in the preven­tion of postpartum hemorrhage.

Methodology: This randomized controlled trial was conducted in Department of Obstretrics & Gynaecology, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar on 400 women, distributed into two equal groups. Group A received 10 IU of I/V Oxytocin along with 1g of I/V tranexamic acid during the third stage of labor immediately after birth and Group B received 10 IU of I/V Oxytocin only immediately after birth. The incidence of postpartum hemorrhage was based on weighing dry and soaked pads using a digital weight machine and blood loss was measured. The drug was considered effective in terms of mean reduction of blood loss after 2 hours.

Results: Our study shows that in group A (Oxytocin plus Tranexamic acid), the mean age was 30±4.29 years whereas in group B (Oxytocin alone), the mean age was 31±4.71 years. In group A, mean blood loss was 30 ml± 6.02 whereas in group B, mean blood loss was 40 ml ± 7.88. The mean blood loss volume shows a significant difference in between the two groups with a p-value of 0.0001.

Conclusion: The study concludes a significant difference in mean blood loss volume after getting treatment for post-partum hemorrhage in both the treatment groups i.e Oxytocin plus Tranexamic (Gorup A) and Oxytocin alone (Group B). Furthermore, mean blood loss volume was much less in Group A as compared to Group B, illustrating effective treatment modality in Group A.

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How to Cite
Urooj H, Shah M, Bukhari B, Rahim R. COMPARISON OF THERAPEUTIC EFFECTIVENESS OF OXYTOCIN VERSUS OXYTOCIN PLUS TRANEXAMIC ACID IN THE PREVENTION OF POST-PARTUM HEMORRHAGE. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];35(2):80-4. Available from:
Original Article


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