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Muhammad Asif Iqbal
Ayesha Khalil
Saad Subhan
Marina Khan
Adnan Gul



Objective: To compare frequency of hypertension, control of blood pressure and compliance to anti-hypertensives among depressed versus non-depressed patients.

Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Cardiology Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. The patients were interviewed for the diagnosis of depression and compliance to anti-hypertensives. PHQ 9 questionnaire was used to diagnose depression among study patients. Total patients were 1026 divided into two groups, group A were 634 patients and group B were 392 patients. Group A were patients having moderate, moderately severe and severe depression and Group B patients were having no depression and mild depression. The two groups were compared for the frequency of hypertension, and compliance to drugs using Morisky medi­cation adherence scale. SPSS v.20.0 was used to analyze the data.

Results: The mean age of the sample was 55.86±11.37 years with male to female ration of 1.5:1. Hypertension was present in 69.24% of patients in group A and 60.46% group B (p=0.006). Mean SBP was 131.17+24.7 mmHg in depressed patients and 124.20+19.7 mmHg in non-depressed (p=0.000). Similarly mean DBP was 82.06+13.3 mmHg in depressed and 78.99+12.1 mmHg in non-depressed patients (p=0.004). 335/392 non-depressed patients were compliant to medication as compared to 512/634 depressed patients (p=0.052).

Conclusion: Hypertension was found to be more prevalent among depressed patients. In compliance to anti-hy­pertensives, depressed patients had lesser compliance than the patients of the other group.

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How to Cite
Iqbal MA, Khalil A, Subhan S, Khan M, Gul A. COMPARISON OF HYPERTENSION, ITS CONTROL AND COMPLIANCE OF ANTI-HYPERTENSIVES AMONG DEPRESSED AND NON-DEPRESSED PATIENTS. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];35(2):96-9. Available from:
Original Article


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