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Saima Gillani
Perveen Azim


Objective: To identify the causes of induced abortion in multiparous women and to determine whether this

could be an indication of lack of knowledge, failure to use or problems in accessibility or quality of family

planning care.

Material and Methods: One hundred married women living in urban areas of Peshawar, who had an

induced abortion, were interviewed about socio-demographic characteristics, their previous knowledge and

use of contraception, reasons for use of a particular contraceptive, husband involved in deciding about

method of contraception, status of abortionist, method used for termination of pregnancy and resulting

complications. Their views about termination of pregnancy and use of contraceptive method after abortion

was asked.

Results: Out of 100 women, 87 belonged to low socio-economic class. Eighty-five women had used some

contraceptive method in the past. The most common reason for seeking abortion was completion of their

family size. About 35 women gave history of contacting a doctor or family planning staff about their

pregnancy. The method most commonly used for termination of pregnancy was instrumentation (70 cases).

Fifteen women had not sought a formal permission for abortion from their husbands. Repeat induced

abortion was done by 15 women.

Conclusion: Seeking help for abortion is an indication of problems related to the use and availability of

family planning care. Integrated family health education, planned parenthood and contraceptive education,

mass literacy campaign and improvement of existing national health services are recommended in order to

ameliorate the problem of illegally induced abortion.

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How to Cite
Gillani S, Azim P. INDUCED ABORTION: A CLANDESTINE AFFAIR. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Jul. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];19(4). Available from:
Original Article