Impaired Glucose Tolerance in HCV / HBV Cirrhosis

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Iftikhar Ali Shah
S. Waqar Ali Shah
Zafar Hayat
Najib ul Haq
Muhammad Noor
Muhammad Arshad


Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is more frequently observed in cirrhosis. As many as 70% cirrhotics have IGT and recent studies suggest that hepatitis C viral infection may be an additional risk factor for the development of diabetes mellitus. We studied 349 cases of cirrhosis liver retrospectively for evidence of IGT and its relation to HBV and HCV infection. Three hundred and forty nine patietns with cirrhosis were studied. Two hundred and seventry three of them had their spot random blood sugar (RBS) checked. Patients with a RBS of more than 180 were separated and their HCV and HBV status assessed. of 273 patients, blood sugar ranged between 56 to 503 mg/dl with a mean of 132.48+ 69.22. Fifty two patients had RBS more than 180. They were considered to have IGT. Out of the 52 patietns with IGT, 29 were males and 23 females HBV was found in 13(25%) 8 were males 5 females, HCV in 22(42.3%), 13 males and 9 females and 18(34.6%) were negative for both HBV and HCV. These results were comparabgle with studies elsewhere. Statistical analysis revealed no association between IGT and HBV (Table - I) and Non HB, HC group (Table - 3) threre was higly significant association between IGT and HCV (p=0.01)

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How to Cite
Shah IA, Shah SWA, Hayat Z, Haq N ul, Noor M, Arshad M. Impaired Glucose Tolerance in HCV / HBV Cirrhosis. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];14(1). Available from:
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