Vaccination Status Against Hepatits B in Doctors working in Hayat Shaheed Teaching Hospital Peshawar

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Najib ul Haq
Saddiq ur Rehman
Pir Muhammad Khan
Jehanzeb Afridi
Abdul Wajid
Amin ul Haq
Muhammad Zarif


Vaccination status against hepatitis "B" was assessed in doctors working in HSTH Peshawar. One hundere and ninty doctors from different departments were interviewed including 77 house officers, 80 medical officers and 33 consultants. Eighty two (43%) had vaccinated themselves, which inclded 22(28%) house officer, 36(45%) medical officer and 24(72%) consultants. Of those vaccinated 66(80%) had booster dose. Seven had cheecked their antibody levels and six found it adequate. Of 108 doctors who did not vaccinate the commonest reason for not was lack of motivation 41% and financial 37%. Ten doctors (including two surgeons) thought it was not necessary to vaccinate while 15 had other reasons.

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How to Cite
Haq N ul, Rehman S ur, Khan PM, Afridi J, Wajid A, Haq A ul, Zarif M. Vaccination Status Against Hepatits B in Doctors working in Hayat Shaheed Teaching Hospital Peshawar. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 8 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];12(1). Available from:
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