Bacterial Meningitis in children

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Irshad Ahmad
Ihsan ul Haq
Habib ur Rehman
Asmat Ara Khattak
Faiz Muhammad Khan


to study the demographic features yield of gram staining cerebrospinal fluid culture and etiological pattern of bacterial meningitis in children of 2 months to 12 years. A hospital based prospective and descriptive study was carried out at the department of paediatrics, LRH, Peshawar. All those children in the age group between 2 months to 12 years having clinical suspicion of meningitis and cerebrospinal findings suggestive of meningitis i.e. > 10 x10 WBC/L and /or CSF sugar <40mg% or (50% of the circulating blood sugar) and /or CSF protein > 80mg% were included in the study. Children having history of intake of antibiotic in the last 5 days which can cross the blood brain barrier and children with tuberculous meningitis were excluded. Bacterial meningitis is the major cause of morjbidity in children below the age of 5 years. The yield of gram staining and culture though comparable with the national studies but lower than reported internationally. S Pneumoniae, N Meningitides and H Influenzae are the three most commo0n causes of Bacterial Meningitis in our children as reported nationally and internationally.

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How to Cite
Ahmad I, Haq I ul, Rehman H ur, Khattak AA, Khan FM. Bacterial Meningitis in children. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Oct. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];18(3). Available from:
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