The Future of Urology and the Future Urologist in NWFP

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Isa Khan
Amin ul Haq


Scattered urological cases are being managed in general surgical units of NWFP alongside the two units of urology located at Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar and Ayub Medical Complex Abbottabad. All these surgical and urological unit are lacking and or deficient in modern endourological, percutaneous and extracarporeal equipments. In comparison, urology in other parts of the world in fast advancing and rapidly expanding. To evaluate the role of surgical units with reference to modern urology, a study was conducted based on questions from general surgeons. Twenty two among 26 (84.6%) responded by answering the proforma, 2(4%) did not comply and 2(4%) refused to accept the questionaire. 40.90% among the general surgeons use the designation of "Surgeon/Urologist", however 90% of them do not want to avoid general surgical (non urological) work. Only 3(13.63%) among 22 opted to work in the department of urology instead of surgical units. Eleven (50%) recommended a department of urology in teaching hospital where they are working. Twenty out of 22 (90.90%) need to refer their complicated urological problems to urological centres. 40.90% of such referral is within the province and 13.63% outside the province. neinteen out of 22(86.36%) are in favour of a full department of urology at post graduate level, 7(31.81%) at undergraduate, and 12 (54.54%) at district level. However 16(72.72%) were in favour of a centre of excellence of urology in NWFP. Three (13.63%) were against this idea and 3(13.63%) did not comment. signficant progress has been made in all branches of urology with advnaces in investigative procedures and management tehcnique which are mostly interrelated and interdpendent. For financial constrains it may not be possible to have the series of modern and sophisticated instruments for scattered urological services in different units. every unit will be incomplete in its own place. Hence the need for a fully established department of urology in every teaching hospital. 

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How to Cite
Khan I, Haq A ul. The Future of Urology and the Future Urologist in NWFP. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 12 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];13(2). Available from:
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