Child Labour - a General Survey

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Azmat Talat
Asmat Ara Khattak
Mehar Bano


This study was done to evaluate the problem and different aspects relating to child labour in the city of Peshawar. A total number of 230 children age ranges from 3 to 17 years were taken. The survey showed that these children were doing different jobs ranging from beggary to technical jobs. The main reason for these children to take up adult work was poverty. Many of these children were a source of income for thier parents. Majority were not earning enough. The working hours were long and these children did not had enough time for leisure and play. The jobs did not provide them with enough security, health cover and pleasure. The level of education was low and their families large. These children were taking simple diet, which was nitritionally inadequate. There were definite indications of psychosocial problems and some degree of resentment amongst these children. Child labour in any form is not acceetpable in a civilized world. However, for our society the problem is more complex as many children working are the sole bread earners for their families. 

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How to Cite
Talat A, Khattak AA, Bano M. Child Labour - a General Survey. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 24];13(1). Available from:
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