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Javaidullah Khan
Zahoor Ahmad Khan
Rashid Iqbal
Sami Ullah
Salman Ahmad Khan



To determine the frequency of AF in patients after implantation of permanent pacemaker.


This longitudinal observational study was conducted in the department of cardiology Hayatabad Medical Complex from 1st September 2018 to 31st August 2019 through a descriptive cross sectional study design, a total of 58 patients were included in this study.

A total of 58 patients were included in the study. Sample size calculated by WHO sample size calculator using 95%confidence interval and 5% error. 29 (50%) patients had no comorbidity, 5 (8.5%) patients were Diabetic, 17 (29.3%) patients were hypertensive, 7 (12.1%) patients were having CAD. 15 (25.9%) Patients had normal Echo Report with ejection fraction >55%, 34 (58.6%) Patients had Preserved LV Function, 9 (15.5%) Patients were recorded with impaired LV Function. 32 (55.2%) had VVIR Device implanted whereas in 26 (44.8%) patients DDDR Device was implanted. 58 (100%) patients had Sinus Rhythm during implantation. At one month follow up, 56 (96.6%) had Sinus Rhythm, 2 (3.4%) patients had Atrial Fibrillation. At one year, 50 (85.2%) patients had sinus Rhythm and 8 (13.8%) patients had AF., and 13 (22.4%) patients had developed Heart Failure.

Our study showed AF burden initially decreased significantly but over long-term AF significantly increased progressively

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How to Cite
Khan J, Ahmad Khan Z, Iqbal R, Ullah S, Ahmad Khan S, Rizwan. FREQUENCY OF ATRIAL FIBRILLATION IN PATIENTS WITH IMPLANTATION OF VENTRICULAR DEMAND RATE RESPONSIVE AND DUAL CHAMBER RATE-MODULATED PACEMAKER. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];38(1):59-63. Available from:
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