Localization of the Facial motor Nucleus in sprague-Dawley Albino Rat: a morphometric and Retrograde Tracing Study with Hoseradish Peroxidase (HRP)

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Jehanzeb Khan
Muhammad Zahoor Janjua


The neuron tracing technqiues of waller, gudden, Gulgi and Nissl, based on neuronal degeneration though largely of historical interest now, have provided the most fruitful beginning for neuroanatomy. With the develop0ment of modern sophisticated microscopic and histochemical technique such as hoseradish peroxidase, however, the study of neural connections both in the central and peripheral nervous system has undergone a revolution. In the present study the facia motor nucleus of albino rat was studied using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) retrograde tracing technique, HRP was applied to the proximal cut end of facila nerve. Following appropriate survival period the animals were fixed by perfusion. Forty micron thick frozen serial sections of the brainstem were processed histochemically for demonstration of the tetramethnyl benzidine as sustrate. Teh facial motor nucleus appeared as a cluster of neurons 1.20mm - 1.28mm rostral to the obex and extended for about. 1.28mm - 1.52mm, verying in shape and cross sectional area along this axis.

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How to Cite
Khan J, Janjua MZ. Localization of the Facial motor Nucleus in sprague-Dawley Albino Rat: a morphometric and Retrograde Tracing Study with Hoseradish Peroxidase (HRP). J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];12(2). Available from: https://jpmi.org.pk/index.php/jpmi/article/view/616
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