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Sher Rehman
Khalid Hameed
Ijaz Muhammad Khan


Objective: To determine the outcome of esophageal dilatation in caustic esophageal strictures in our


Material and Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in the department of Gastroenterology and

Hepatology Hayatabad medical complex from 1999 to 2007. Patients with caustic esophageal strictures

and above 03 years of age were included. Patient with caustic stricture and fistulae or diverticulae, peptic

stricture and malignant stricture were excluded. Patients were initially evaluated with barium swallow and

meal. Consenting patient were asked to come in the morning after over night fasting. Guide wire was

positioned across the strictures with the help of the endoscope (GIF-140/GIF-N130). SavouryGilliard

plastic dilators of increasing sizing were employed. Repeated sessions were performed fortnightly till a

15mm (45Fr) lumen size was achieved. Follow up session were arranged whenever dysphagia developed.

Results: Out of 20 patients, 11 patients (55%) were more than 12 years of age. Mean age is 19.25

ranging from 3 years to 65 years. There were ten males (50%) and ten females (50%). Total dilatations

were 442. Successful dilatation up to a lumen size of 15mm could be achieved in twelve patients (60%). In

six patients (30%) satisfactory dilatation could not be achieved and were referred for surgery. Two patients

(10%) had perforation with an incidence rate of 0.45%.

Conclusion: Caustic Stricture is more common in adolescent and adults in our population. Endoscopic

dilatation is modestly effective in achieving adequate dilatation and relieving dysphagia

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How to Cite
Rehman S, Hameed K, Khan IM. ENDOSCOPIC DILATATION FOR CAUSTIC ESOPHAGEAL STRICTURES. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Aug. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];21(4). Available from: https://jpmi.org.pk/index.php/jpmi/article/view/186
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