Acute Appendicitis, A retrospective Study

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Muhammad Aziz Wazir
Abdur Rehman Anwar
Muhammad Zarin


A retrospective study of 148 cases of acute appendicitis presented. The incidence was more in male with a male to female ratio of 2.21:1.2. The peak incidence was between 10 - 20 years age group. In majority of cases (41.6%) pain started in right iliac less common associated symptoms were burning mcturation, loose motionsor constipation and distension abdomen. Right iliac fossa tenderness wa observed in 97.9% cases. in more than 50% cases puse and temperature were recorded as normal. In 52.8% cases leukocytes count was within normal limits. Mild leukocytosis was noted in 31.9%. Count more than 20,000/cmm was observed in 2.08%. Clinical and preoperative accuracy of acute appendicitis was 95% and similarly preoperative and histological accuracy was 95%.

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How to Cite
Wazir MA, Anwar AR, Zarin M. Acute Appendicitis, A retrospective Study. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 8 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];12(1). Available from:
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